Come and meet the staff at our school!
Senior Management
- Mr R Warren – Headteacher/ LAC Co-ord
- Miss G Jelly – Deputy Headteacher/Teaching and Learning/KS1 Lead/Moderator/ Year 2 Class Teacher
- Mrs C Wicks - SENCo/ Nursery Class Teacher/ Early Years Lead
- Mrs K McCall- Assistant Headteacher/ Year 4 Class Teacher/ Maths Co-ord/ Pupil Premium/KS2 Lead
- Mrs E Elliott - School Business Manager
- Miss E Cobb
- Miss A Lawson
- Mrs S McAvoy
- Miss A Mabon
- Mrs J Walmsley
Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants
- Mrs M Caddle
- Mrs K Douglas
- Miss S Foley
- Mrs R Gordon
- Miss E Hall
- Mrs S Hall
- Miss C Jobling
- Miss R Kavanagh
- Miss A Lazenby
- Miss E Nichols
- Miss H Nutt
- Miss L Smith
- Miss K Slater
- Mrs D Vanner
- Mrs A Waugh
- Miss L Wilson
- Miss DL Watson - Apprentice Early Years
Administration & Pastoral
- Mrs E Elliott, School Business Manager
- Miss N Graham, Administrative Assistant
- Family Support Worker
- Miss Katie Doyle
- Mrs A Waugh Maternity Cover for Miss Doyle.
Midday Supervisor and Lunchtime Assistants
- Mrs Wardle
- Mrs Hewison
- Miss Slater
- Mrs Radford
- Miss Smith
- Miss Jobling
The kitchen is staffed by Gateshead Council employees, as is the cleaning team.
School Financial Information & Benchmarking Spending
We are asked to publish on our school’s website whether any member of staff receives a salary of £100,000 or receives increments of £10,000. This is to confirm no member of staff is paid this figure.
School Financial Benchmarking
The school uses the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) Schools Financial Benchmarking website Schools Financial Benchmarking Service to find similar schools and then compares their per-pupil revenue and expenditure data against spending at Swalwell Primary. This allows the school to identify areas where spending is comparatively high or low. It is important to also understand the story behind the data and to consider it in context.
The Headteacher and Business Manager work closely with the Chair of the Resources Committee when considering financial decisions and the Leadership Team are also consulted when developing the systems and processes the school has in place to help ensure spending is efficient and results in the best outcomes for our pupils