Swalwell Primary School is a school at the heart of the community and we cater for pupils from 3 to 11 years.
At present there are 152 children on the school register and 24 children on the nursery register. This means we have small classes with high staffing ratios to give children the best possible start to their education. We are a mainstream primary school with two ARMS provisions (Additionally Resourced Mainstream School). We have a 10 place Physical Disability provision and an 8 place ASD provision. Inclusion is a strength of our school. We consider applications for every age group.
Prospective parents wishing to view the school are asked to contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Admission to the Nursery and School is in accordance with Gateshead LA policy for admissions.
Reception Admissions
Children start school at the beginning of the academic year in which they will reach the age of five. (An academic year lasts from 1 September in one year to 31 August the following year). Children born between 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 will be eligible to start school Reception in September 2025 and must apply for a school place by 15 January 2025.
We hold a Reception parents information evening annually in the autumn term.
The school has adopted the Primary Admissions Policy of Gateshead Council.
The Gateshead Council website contains all information relating to Reception class admissions and parents are encouraged to use the online application system to apply for a school place. Parent Portal: Home (gateshead.gov.uk)
Nursery Admissions
We offer 15 hours funded provision for all children from the term after their third birthday and 30 hours funded provision for entitled families.
To check your eligibility and apply for 30 hours funding, please visit 15 and 30 hours childcare support | Childcare Choices. You must complete and return a parent declaration form by the end of the term before your child is due to start, in order for us to claim the 30 hours funding.
Families who are not entitled to 30 hours funding for Nursery through the government scheme can choose to pay for additional sessions. These are charged at £10 per session (12pm-3:20pm). A school meal is an additional £2, alternatively you can provide a packed lunch. Nursery sessions must be booked and paid for in advance through ParentPay.
The school Nursery Admission policy is based upon the Local Authority model linked below.
Nursery admissions are processed by school and parents need to complete our nursery admission forms and return to school to be added to the waiting list. We recommend doing this, no later than your child's 2nd birthday. If your contact details change at any time prior to intake, please update them with the school office so we can ensure you receive information.
Placing your child’s name on this list does not guarantee a place as these can only be offered in line with our Nursery Admissions Policy, but it will ensure that you are sent the relevant application information at the correct time.
We hold a Nursery parents information session termly.
In year transfers
If your child is currently attending a Gateshead school or a school outside Gateshead, or you are new to the country and you want to transfer your child to Swalwell Primary School, you must complete the Gateshead Council in-year transfer application via their website. In-year transfers - Gateshead Council
You can request a school transfer up to a maximum of six weeks before the school place is needed. However, if your request is for your child to transfer school at the start of a new academic year in September, you must apply for a school place at least six weeks before the start of the summer holidays.