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Wraparound Care

We offer before and after school childcare provision for all children (including Nursery).

Before school care

Before school, we have a FREE breakfast club which runs daily from 8am. This is funded by the Greggs Foundation. We have a selection of cereals, toast and spreads, yogurts, fruit and cheese available for the children to choose from. There are also lots of activities for the children to participate in, such as crafts, lego, games etc. Last entry to breakfast club is 8:30am.

After school care - Swalwell Stars

Our after-school care, 'Swalwell Stars', is staffed by school staff; Mrs Caddle and Miss Hall. We hope this will give you extra peace of mind. There are up to 20 places available depending on the needs of the children.

  • It runs from 3.20pm to 5pm Monday to Friday and the charge is £8 per session. This includes a snack.
  • You can book in advance and payment is made through our ParentPay system.
  • The deadline to book a session is 2.30pm on the day the care is needed. This allows us to ensure we have adequate staffing ratios for the children attending.
  • Cancellations made on the day will be charged at the full session rate as a space will have been allocated. No shows will also be charged  the full session rate.
  • There is a late collection fee charged after 5.10pm, which will be charged at a fixed rate of £10 to cover additional staffing costs. 
  • Any and all permissions and information already provided to the school (including in relation to administering medication, sun protection, dietary requirements and allergies, data/privacy, photographs/social media, and emergency contacts) will be shared with the after-school staff.  

We are setting up the childcare voucher scheme/Tax Free Childcare scheme.