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Curriculum Champions

Curriculum Champions

As part of our child centred curriculum, each subject in our curriculum has a special group of subject champions. These children from Key Stage 2 are passionate subject specialists who represent the voice of our children working alongside the subject leader to ensure our curriculum is driven by the needs and interests of our wonderful children.

To become a curriculum champion every child completes a curriculum champion application form outlining why they would make a great champion and what they would bring to the role. Our curriculum champions each play a fundamental role in helping us to ensure our ‘Swalwell Specific Curriculum’ is enriching, engaging and responsive to the voice of our children.

The key aims of our Curriculum Champions Program

Our curriculum champions approach is designed to:

  • Place our children at the heart of our curriculum, encouraging them to have a voice and understand the role they play as subject specialists
  • Allow our children to take increased ownership and responsibility, understanding the importance of their opinions in supporting the development of a responsive curriculum
  • Develop our curriculum in line with our children’s interests and needs
  • Promote inclusion across our school valuing the contributions of every child
  • Provide a platform for children to express their passion for specific areas of the curriculum celebrating their learning building upon their talents, interests and hobbies