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Reading Incentives

Dear Parents / Carers,

Reading is one of life’s most essential skills. At Swalwell Primary School, we hope that all children will develop a love of books and grow to be confident, competent readers. As a parent or carer, you play a vital role in supporting your child’s reading development and the partnership between home and school is essential for success with this life skill.

Home Reading EYFS and KS1

  • Children will bring home a phonics banded book matched to their reading level. It is expected that these books will be re-read throughout the week to build fluency.
  • Children will also bring home a banded book to be shared with an adult.
  • Books will be sent home on a Friday and returned to be changed on a Wednesday.
  • Children will also bring home a library book that they have chosen to share with an adult. This needs to be returned on their allocated library day to be changed.

Home Reading KS2

  • Children will bring home a banded book matched to their reading level or a free choice book.
  • Books need to be brought in on a daily basis and changed when completed.
  • Children will also bring home a library book that they have chosen. This needs to be returned on their allocated library day to be changed.


  • It is expected that every child will continue to read frequently at home. This should be at least 3 times each week.  Remember at times this might also be some reading of their own books from home, a comic or book of their choice.
  • Sign the child’s reading diary each time you hear them read at home.
  • Return the books and diaries when required to ensure the child receives the rewards.
  • Lost books will be charged at £5 per book.

Reading Rewards

To help build a daily reading habit we have a number of incentives in school. These are as follows:


The number of times a child read each week will be tracked in school on the class Readopoly board and the child will be rewarded at intervals as follows:

10 reads – personalised bookmark
25 reads – reading kit to take home for the week
50 reads – visit to Asda to buy a magazine to keep
100 reads – visit to Waterstones to buy a book to keep

Book Worm of the Half Term:

Each half term the class teachers will award a child ‘Book worm of the half term’. This will be a child who has tried really hard or has really improved their reading. These children will receive certificates and have afternoon tea with school staff.

Golden ticket:

To encourage children to read a variety of books, in the KS2 library there are a number of books that contain a golden ticket. If a child finds one of these after reading the book, they then get asked some questions on the book to ensure they have read it and then get a creative kit and chocolate bar to keep.

Class must reads:

Each class has a list of approximately 20 books specially chosen for their year group. There are two copies of these in the classroom that the children can sign up to read. Once they have read 10 of these books they can choose a book to keep.

Online library:
The school has created an online library where each year group can access videos of their class must reads as well as a range of other books that can be shared with your child. Children may bring home a paper copy of these books.

Here is a link to the new online library:

Virtual Library