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Helping our Families

Government changes to under 5 childcare starting Sep 2023.

Directory of Support for Children, Parents and Staff 

At Swalwell Primary School, we are committed to safeguarding our community. If a safeguarding concern was ever presented, school would follow our safeguarding procedures. Any parent who is worried about the safety and well-being of a child, they can speak directly with the schools Safeguarding lead – Mrs Hocking. Alternatively, they can make a concern referral to social services.  

The directory below are areas which parents and staff may use to support their own mental health and well-being or those of the children in their care. This list is not exhaustive but is to be used as a directory of support and guidance for all stakeholders.  

Family Support Worker

Swalwell Primary School have employed a part time Family Support Worker, Katie Doyle.

  • Practical support in terms of completing applications/forms 
  • Signposting to local services and funding options
  • Emotional support to the whole family
  • Work with other agencies and support referrals to Early  Help, Young Carers, Single Point of Access, Mental Health support and assessment for young people.
  • Attendance at meetings such as Early Help and TAF meetings
  • Complete funding applications for white goods, beds, clothing/ shopping vouchers. Unfortunately, we do have a funding limit for this service therefore it is on a first come first served.

  • Provide support if you have any worries or concerns to see if we can work together to find a route forward. 
  • Low level behaviour support and referral to parenting support if required.

Please come into school anytime or phone on 0191 433 4000.

Poverty Proofing Report

Researchers from Children North East recently audited 14 key areas within the school day, examining policies and practices within the school. They attended Breakfast Club, after school clubs, had lunch with pupils and observed pupils through their day-to-day interactions within school.

Click on the link below to find a summary of their findings.

Benefits and Financial Support if you are on a Low Income. 

Please use the link below which takes you to the government website and has information on benefits if you are struggling with the cost of living. If you have any questions please ask our Family Support Worker or a member of the office team to help you. 

Feeding Families

Swalwell Primary School have started working with Feeding Families, a local charity who provide emergency food parcels to families in the North East. We have a stock of food boxes at school which we can distribute to families who need them and there are no forms to complete.

The boxes contain dry food supplies for 3 days for two people and are intended to be used as emergency support. If you feel you need support, please ring school on 0191 4334000 or come to the school office. Don't be shy, everything will be kept confidential.

Pre-loved school uniform

Swalwell Primary School can support families to obtain all elements of school uniform including coats, bags, shoes and PE kit for free via a local service called "The Community School Clothing Scheme." This not only relieves financial pressures on families, but is environmentally friendly.  Families can also donate their children's uniforms via a donation unit on site.

We have recently extended our pre-loved shop to include fancy dress (for Hallowe'en and World Book Day) and Christmas jumpers.

Please ask to speak to Katie Doyle, our Family Support Worker for more information.

Young Carers

What is a young carer?

A young carer is someone under 18 and helps to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.

If you're a young carer, you probably look after one of your parents or care for a brother or sister.

How can we support?

If you think your child is a Young Carer we can support them. We will make a  referral to our local young carers service who can provide social opportunities for young carers aged 5-18 , emotional support and assessment. Katie Doyle, our Family Support Worker can also provide support to access a local carers fund. 

Play and Stay

School are currently working in close partnership with Swalwell Community Centre. Part of this collaboration is a twice weekly toddler group, on a Tuesday morning and a Thursday afternoon. Katie works alongside community volunteers to run a successful and popular stay and play for 0-3 children in the Swalwell community and surrounding areas.

All families are welcome to attend. 

5-19 School Nursing Team

Work with children, young people and families to empower and enable them to make informed decisions about health, and to support them in transitioning safely and happily into adult life. The 5-19 Service works in community settings to deliver universal and targeted interventions designed to meet public health outcomes. We ensure the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children and young people across Gateshead. The team includes School Nurses, School Staff Nurse, Screeners and an emotional and wellbeing resilience nurse.
The School Nursing team provides a service to all children and young people of school age, and their families, whether or not they are attending school. We offer advice and information, and assess health needs on children entering school and on transfer to secondary schools. We are the first point of contact for schools when there are concerns about a child’s health and wellbeing. We are also responsible for:

  • Measuring and weighing children in reception and year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme;
  • Providing enuresis (involuntary urination) advice and support
  • Providing emotional health and wellbeing support;
  • Supporting children and families with additional health needs or disability
  • Parenting and behavioural problems
  • Risk taking behaviour including drugs and alcohol
  • Stopping smoking
  • Relationships, sexual health & pregnancy
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles in schools and communities through health education
  • Support for children and Young People who are Looked After
  • Safeguarding of children and Young People

They work closely with Health Visitors so that children and families with complex health and social care needs are identified early. We support the development and implementation of health management plans to promote the child’s health and wellbeing, school attendance, education and attainment.

SPA (Single Point of Access)

The Single Point of Access (SPA) has been introduced as part of a local transformation of children and young people’s services. The SPA for children and young people is a central point for referrals for those aged 0-18 years with concerns about mental health, learning disabilities and for Autism.

The aim of the Single Point of Access is to improve access and support for children and young people with mental health needs, learning disabilities and Autism, and ensure that young people can promptly access the most appropriate service that meets their needs. Referrals can be made by phone, post or paper referrals can be sent to the secure inbox.

Anyone can refer into Single Point of Access including self-referrals and these will be triaged by clinicians and then referred to most appropriate service.

Citizen's Advice Bureau

CAB have helped thousands of people to move forward at times of upheaval and uncertainty. Although, over time, some of the challenges people face are changing, they continue to provide valuable, free and impartial advice and information that you can trust. 

Getting up to date, free and impartial advice, information and guidance through Citizens Advice Gateshead is easy. You can rest assured that we will always do our best to shape the service around your individual needs. Call or email our Adviceline to get help, find the information you need on our online advice hub or drop in to talk things through.

Children North East

Every family is different but most will experience challenges and difficulties at some point.  When these become overwhelming Children North East are here to help.

The Toby Henderson Trust

The Toby Henderson Trust (TTHT) is an independently funded charity supporting autistic children, young people and adults, their families and carers in the North East of England. 

They provide relevant, appropriate and accessible support for autistic young people from two years into adulthood, whilst also empowering parents, families and carers by sharing knowledge, experience and understanding.  They acknowledge that yours or your child’s situation is unique and encourage you to contact them to discuss how they can offer individual support.

North East Autism Society

Founded in 1980 by a group of parents who came together to establish the North East Autism Society grew out of a desire to provide a better standard of education for autistic children. They are committed to helping autistic young people fulfil their potential - and that commitment remains at the heart of everything they do.

Their services include education for children aged 3-19, post-16 education and social/vocational training along with supported and open employment opportunities for adults. Within their care services, they provide year-round residential placements and supported living services. They also work directly with parents and carers, offering family support which includes short breaks, support in the home, evening and weekend activities.